Ways to Hop Along: the Procrastination Way

The Cherry Blossoms are blooming, the skies are blue… what does that mean? YOUR ALLERGIES WILL START ATTACKING YOU BECAUSE SPRING! Just kidding… it really means that Easter is around the corner and it’s time for you to hop (haha I’m so clever) off the couch to do these things around the District this weekend:…

A Procrastinator’s Guide to the First DC Spring Weekend!

Procrasti-Nation: SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!!!!! No, you’re not getting sick, it ACTUALLY IS this warm! Instead of procrastinating with the normal Netflix and a blanket in bed , GET OUTSIDE AND BE ACTIVE!!! (Even if it’s only to walk to the Uber…) Here are some things you can do while actually moving off the couch…

Not Starbucks – Most Inviting Coffee Shops in Washington D.C

All true procrastinators are caffeine dependent. Here are some non- Starbucks coffee shops to get that extra kick of caffeine. These coffee shops are best to visit when you are putting off your latest assignment. 1. Bakers and Baristas  This coffee shop has strong coffee that will keep you awake during your all nighters. This…